Something New


I hate beginnings. I enjoy change. I enjoy dreaming of new adventures and bright beginnings. Still, the actually starting - the vulnerability that comes with showing up in the world with a part of myself that I have not fully flushed out myself, is absolute garbage. The self-doubt and the fear are definitely real. 

But, as I enter middle age, I am beginning to realize that this life is not meant to be lived fully in my imagination. At some point, doing something would be better than waking up and realizing that I “should haved” my life away. 

So, Will and I are launching something new. If you are on our newsletter list, you got a sneak peek yesterday. But today, we are so excited to announce that alongside our blog, Mama’s Favorite Shit, we have launched a store, Mama’s Favorites, which will bring a variety of gifts and apparel to a generation of mamas who are in the thick of their mothering journey and, while it brings with it pure moments of joy, it also has genuine moments of struggle that if we don’t share we begin to believe the lie that we are alone. 

We hope you join us through this adventure. We have no idea where this will bring us or if we will even be good at it, but we are excited to take this first step. 

We are running a 20% discount code for our friends and family. We would love for you to visit the store and use the code Friends20 to get your first order.

Godspeed, mamas. You got this shit.


Alex & Will


Thanksgiving Favorites


Every "yes" is simultaneously a "no" to someone or something